Your Board Up Service for Vacant Property in Santa Clarita, CA

Guard Dog Secure is a vacant property board up service that only uses steel panels which clamp from inside the building making them extremely difficult to remove or break through. Guard Dog Secure is now happy to announce that we are now able to provide vacant property board services to Santa Clarita, CA and surrounding areas.  

Our home board up company was created by 2 property flippers who were tired of having their flips broken into and having tangible goods stolen or vandalized. They created 2 modular panels which can fit over any size window along with a security door made of 14-gauge steel which clamps from the inside of the building to make accessibility to the premises as difficult as possible. 

Guard Dog Secure is now offering the most secure commercial and residential board up service on the market to vacant property owners in Santa Clarita, CA. Property owners who utilize Guard Dog Secures products can expect the following benefits-  

  • No code violations from the city or county for having an unsecured vacant property. 
  • 16-gauge steel panels boarding up doors and windows which are so secure, we’ve had trespassers go through the wall instead of our panels. 
  • Fast response time in the event of break-in or emergency. 
  • Access through a steel security door making renovations a breeze. 
  • Perforated panels which allow air and light into the property. Something timber cannot do. 
  • We re-use our panels from job to job making them cheaper to install than timber.  

If you have a problematic vacant property, Guard Dog Secure is the best vacant property board up service in Santa Clarita.  

We have helped-  

  • Realtors 
  • Property managers 
  • Property flippers 
  • Venture capitalists 
  • People who have inherited a vacant house 
  • Rental owners 
  • Property developers 
  • Insurers  
  • Bank asset managers  
  • Code Enforcement agencies  
  • People impacted by natural disasters 

The choice is clear, if you have a vacant property that needs the most secure board up service in Los Angeles, Guard Dog Secure is your best choice. Contact us today!